Probable Worlds 3Dfx GLIDE Screen Saver Copyright 1997 (c) Complex MIDAS Sound System Copyright 1997 (c) Housemarque Credits: Design and programming by Jarno 'Jmagic' Heikkinen ( Graphics and music by Jukka 'Jugi' Kaartinen ( Additional code by Jani 'Saviour' Askolin ( 3D object by Sami 'Reward' Vanhatalo ( To install: 1) check that you have GLIDE 2.3 or later installed 2) copy .scr .dll and .xm to your Windows (95 or NT) directory 3) set "3Dfx Probable Worlds" as screen saver in Control Panel, configure once (select the music) and then try preview. Screen Saver was tested with Voodoo Graphics and it ran ok on all cards except one, which probably has TMU revision 0 (without paletted textures) On Voodoo Rush cards.... the Rush driver seems to change display mode(?) so the screen saver immediately gets a event which interrupts it. Using 640x480 probably fixes this. I myself don't have Voodoo Rush so the testing for it was close to nothing (can't afford buying two 3Dfx's, buying even one caused me a financial disaster :) For music I use MIDAS Sound System, version 0.6.0 (didnt bother to get newer ones, licenses are always so boring to read....) The following files are covered by MIDAS Sound System license, please refer to license.txt for more information. midasdll.h midas06.dll midas06_visualc.lib license.txt Source code for everything except MIDAS is provided, but not supported (obviously). This was my first attempt at GLIDE coding and second attempt in Win32 coding, so the code might be just bearable at most. Source was compiled using VC++ 5.0, but even older versions might be sufficient, anyway you need to make your own project files. For other compilers.... well I suggest you just rip off the test.cpp ;) Textures are included as a resource, so you need to recompile to change them. Textures are stored in 'textures.dat' as RAW images, 32 bytes header, 768 bytes palette and n*m bytes picture. First texture (envmap) is 256*256, the rest 15 are 128*128. Code assumes headers size of 800 (32+768) and texture sizes, header is ignored. Anyway... Have fun with the code and if you get any kicks out of watching this saver, let me know :) Jarno